Her daughter Rory, who you didn't meet but you'll like 'cause she's a lot like Lorelai, but she's got a slightly tighter grasp on reality.


Boy 2: And I want fries, and make them really really crispy.
Boy 1: I want mine crispy too.
Boy 2: You didn't order fries.
Boy 1: So?
Luke: So you can't order crispy fries without first ordering fries.
Boy 1: Why not?
Luke: Because you can't make something crispy that doesn't exist.
Boy 1: Why not?
Luke: Get him away from me Taylor.

Boy Scout: (to Lorelai) Hey, I was here first!
Lorelai: On the planet?

Lorelai: Is everything okay?
Luke: Do you have a sister?
Lorelai: Um, no.
Boy Scout: I do!
Luke: You have my sympathies.
Boy Scout: Thanks. I appreciate that.

Jess: Want to bail?
Rory: Um...no.
Jess: How come?
Rory: Because it's Tuesday night in Stars Hollow. There's nowhere to bail to. The 24-hour mini mart just closed 20 minutes ago.

Luke: I am in so far over my head that I can't see my own hat.
Lorelai: Try turning it around.

Luke: I had any interesting call today, want to know who it was from?
Jess: Not really.
Luke: It was from Taylor Doose, you know, he owns the market.
Jess: If you say so.
Luke: He said you came in today.
Jess: He did?
Luke: And he said you took some money out of a little donation cup to help repair the bridge. I told him he was crazy, you wouldn't do that, you weren't a thief, that he was just trying to start trouble. Then I hung up on him. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy hanging up on Taylor and he is crazy. But I was just wondering if maybe any of the other things he said were true.
Jess: What do you think?
Luke: I think that if you tell me that what he's saying is not true, I'm gonna believe it.
Jess: Okay, it's not true.
Luke: That doesn't sound very convincing.
Jess: What exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?
Luke: I'm trying to help you!
Jess: Well stop trying! Stop following me, stop talking to me, stop asking me questions! Just stop!
Luke: That's what you want?
Jess: Yes.
Luke: That's really what you want?
Jess: Yes!
Luke: You got it.
Jess: Thank you!
Luke: You're welcome!
(As they cross over a bridge, Luke pushes Jess into the water)

Lorelai: Luke, um, that's not a bed, that's a raft, which is fine if you're gonna build a moat around the diner but...
Luke: It's fine.
Lorelai: Luke, the kid needs a bed. If you want to get him something inflatable, make it a blonde.

Taylor: That's right. She's breaking the rules, and people who break the rules end up very lonely with no friends because they have become society's outcasts.
Lorelai: Planning on burning a little Huck Finn after lunch, Taylor?

Lorelai: You know, there have been very few times in my life where I wished I had one of those enormous cream pies that you can just smash in someone's face, but this is definitely one of them.
Jess: Well, now, that's not very neighborly of you.
Lorelai: Hey, you know what? This is my house, and I choose how I get talked to in it, so ha ha!

Luke: So just because you have a kid, you know everything, right?
Lorelai: Um, I have a kid, so yeah, I think I know a little bit more than you do.
Luke: You know, don't you ever think that maybe you just got lucky with Rory? I mean, you did get pregnant at 16, and that doesn't show the greatest decision-making skills, now does it?

Rory: I just want you to know...I really wanted you to be my stepfather.
Mr. Medina: I just want you to know...I really wanted to be your stepfather.

Gilmore Girls Season 2 Quotes

Emily: ...Rory finished in the top 3 percent!
Lorelai: I know.
Emily: You do? Well, who do you know at Chilton?
Lorelai: Um...Rory. (points at Rory)

Emily: So, what would everyone like to drink?
Lorelai: Uh, well, I'll have a white wine and Dean'll have a beer.
Dean: What?! (taken by surprise)
Lorelai: Corona, right?
Dean: (completely panicked) No, I don't want a beer! I don't drink beer. I'll have water or soda or anything. Or nothing. Not beer. Never beer. Beer is... beer's bad.
Emily: Relax Dean, that's just Lorelai's little sense of humor. (to Lorelai) You're very cruel.
Lorelai: Well, yes, keeps me young.
Dean: I'm just gonna sit here and stare at my hands.
Emily: Soda Dean?
Dean: Please.
Emily: Rory?
Rory: Oh, I'll have a beer. (Emily and Lorelai laugh) I'm sorry Dean, we're not laughing at you.
Lorelai: Oh wait, I think I was.
Emily: I think I was a little too. (Richard walks in) Oh Richard, there you are. Come join us.
Lorelai: Hey Dad.
Rory: Grandpa, hi. This is Dean. Dean, this is my Grandpa.
Dean: Hi. Sorry, uh, hi. (he gets ups and walks over to Richard)
Richard: Hello.
Dean: (offers to shake his hand) It's uh... it's nice to meet...
Richard: (ignores Dean's hand) Does everyone have drinks?
Lorelai: Uh yeah, we all have drinks. Thanks.
Dean: (he moves back to his seat and whispers to Lorelai) Should we do the beer thing again?
Lorelai: Uh, I don't think so.