Looks like Blair and Chuck came with quite the appetite... for destruction, that is.

If you wanna be part of this world, Jenny, people will talk. Eventually. You gotta decide if all this is worth it.


Chuck: This isn't over.
Dan: Any time. That one black eye looks a little lonely.

Look, man, I live in Brooklyn. Not the Ozarks. No offense to the Ozarks.


Lily: Don't try to be cute. Those days are long behind you.
Rufus: And here I was, thinking I get better looking every day.

You know, I always knew you were a whore. But I never knew you were a liar.


Serena: I'm really trying to make an effort here. I thought everything was good between us.
Blair: It was. Before I found out you had sex with my boyfriend.

Dan: I hope you had a pleasant 21 hours since I last saw you.
Lily van der Woodsen: Yes, it has been very pleasant. Until now.

Chuck: Better a broken nose than a broken heart.
Nate: I didn't even talk to Serena last night.
Chuck: Who said anything about Serena?

Chuck: if I knew his name, I'd kill him.
Nate: Because you kill people now? What, you gonna hunt him down with your scarf?
Chuck: Don't mock the scarf, Nathaniel. It's my signature.

I wonder if Nate remembered brunch. It would be so wrong to show up without my boyfriend, who I love. And who loves me.


The last thing I need is another guy. But he was just so .... smart. And funny.


Gossip Girl Season 1 Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.