Blair: Now you're going to be sorry you didn't guard.
Dan: Woah. You're gonna go? With me in here? I'm not sure our friendship can handle that.
Blair: Friendship is a tenuous term. Now be a gentleman and run the water.

Dan: I can't believe that I thought you changed last year. And since you didn't, Chuck is now going off the deep end trying to get your attention. Again.
Blair: No. Now that's where you're wrong. Whatever he's doing isn't about me. He was the who told me to marry Louis. And he meant it.

Dan: Blair, hey. Listen, I know you don't want to see me now, probably not ever. But I'm not here to cause problems. I can't say the same about Chuck. Have you seen him?
Blair: Walk with me.

Gossip Girl: A kiss is just a kiss.
Chuck: That hurt? Wish I could feel it.
Gossip Girl: Poor Lonely Boy. Even on the outer boroughs of love.

Doctor: I have a hard time believing anyone has that high a threshold for pain.
Nate: Yeah, well he's probably self-medicating.

Blair: I don't understand. How am I to become an icon of style and taste if I can only where a burkha?
Princess Beatrice: I'm sorry, the dress code is mandated.
Blair: So you get to be Balmain and I get to be Barbara Bush?

Charlie/Ivy: I get that working for this producer is a huge opportunity, but what about Columbia?
Serena: Well I'm taking this semester off and I'll see how things go after that. My only issue is living with Cece. Last night at 2am her bridge game turned brutal.

Dan: I was wondering if you could share some of your bank-breaking secrets with me.
Serena: Well I thought you did all of your scheming with Blair.
Dan: No, she's not speaking to me.

Nate: I just can't stop thinking about that woman from LA.
Chuck: It's understandable, given your mother issues.

Blair: Are you sure this doctor is reputable? Your prenatal care is imperative.
Dorota: You never care about my womb before.

Rise and shine, Upper East Siders. It's time for your annual checkup. Lucky for you, doctors take their confidentiality seriously around here.

Get ready to find out what you're made of. Because to survive on the Upper East Side, you better be fearless. XOXO — Gossip Girl.

Gossip Girl Season 5 Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Dan: Do you really want to spend the entire summer with me in Rome? Chuck's dad is alive. That is going to change his world deeply.
Blair: His, yes. But not mine.