Therapist: I think you don't trust joy. I think you stop it before something terrible happens before the bad news comes, but it's not coming anymore, that moment is over. It came, and you're OK, so let's stop the replay.
Owen: How?

You step foot in this hospital drunk again and you're not going to be met with compassion.


You have two uteri, but you're only pregnant in one.


Tom: Oh, you miss your boyfriend.
Amelia: Who?
Tom: Ortho Barbie.

Tom: He's your Altman.
Amelia: My Altman?
Tom: Yeah somebody so good and unbroken and kind they just seem wrong for you, but you've never been happier, so yeah, he's your Altman.

Jo: If you're not going to leave just be quiet so I can sleep.
Mer: Sorry, I had a bad dream.
Jo: How long do you plan on doing this for?
Mer: Until you talk to me.

Can you even break your ass?

Gus' Father

I think I might be wrong about Malibu Barbie. She really may be marriage material.

Was your mother raped? Was your mother raped by your father and that's why you exist? Do you wear his face? Do you look like a rapist?


My whole life I was convinced that if I ever met my mom she would do the same. She would say she was sorry and she would hold me until I felt safe but that's not ever going to happen because I never should have existed in the first place. Paul, everything he did to me. Everything he did to me before I escaped that was my birthright. That was my inheritance.


You will not break. I will lift you up and carry you. I served four tours in Iraq so there is no one better equipped to protect you, Frances.


You've taken your darkest experiences that life gave you and you turned it around and turned it into light and if the woman who gave birth you doesn't want to see that than that's on her.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
