You look good, the beach suits you.

Meredith [to DeLuca]

I'm sorry, I just need to be around someone who doesn't hate me.


DeLuca saved my life; it's only right that I do the same.


He doesn't want you.

Tom: I asked you for one thing, Altman.
Teddy: You asked me for the truth.

Jo: Were you nice before your wife died?
Hayes: Excuse me?

Tom: I asked you to admit you never loved me because I need it. If I survive this thing, I want to get up off the ground and drop this, so, I need it.
Teddy: I never loved you, Tom.
Tom: Thank you.

Please, don't take this boy. Please, don't take this boy.


I'll miss you. If I go back and you don't, I'll miss you.

Mer [to DeLuca]

I can't do it for you. It's your beach.


I want you closer!

Mer [to Derek]

I lost my wife. The therapist said there's no wrong way to process the grief. But there is, it's through a computer screen. It's wrong.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
