Meredith: DeLuca, what are you doing here?
DeLuca: Whatever you want. Dr. Grey.
Jackson: Morning.
Meredith: Jackson, what? No. You're with Maggie.
Jackson: Yeah but it's just a dream so it doesn't count.

It's not anti-feminist to fight for him, but its anti-Amelia not to.

Teddy: This is so not me. I don't cry. Hormones are in control now, and I don't get pregnant by accident. I'm careful, but the man I love came to Germany, and it was so hard to resist, and I wasn't careful.
Maggie: Oh my God! Owen went to Germany.
Patient: Who's Owen?
Teddy: What exactly is your relationship to Owen?
Maggie: He's kind of living with my sister.
Teddy: Your sister?
Maggie Amelia Shepherd.

I feel like I'm drowning in testosterone


She's in Seattle and she doesn't call?


Maggie: It's like you and Owen playing house. Like insta-family. You get a cup of soup, add some water, and bam, family. At least until...
Amelia: Until what?
Maggie: We need toilet paper.

Meredith: What happened to the honeymoon? What happened to your face?
Alex: I forgot sunscreen.
Jo: And I want to save the world.

Cece: I spent 35 years of my life falling for straight women.
Helm: I don't know what you mean.
Cece: Hook me up to that thing and sit down let me save you from a whole life of misery.

Miranda: Are you drunk Wilson?
Jo: Only mostly, but I did not do these drunk.

Meredith: You're a chief?!
Alex: I have no idea why.
Meredith: You're chief.
Alex: Interim chief.

Jackson: We were pulled out of the way of a car and she wasn't, why?
Maggie: Jackson, I think you have a little PTSD.
Jackson: It's not about the van, Maggie.
Maggie: It's not just the van. Your whole world changed. And April --
Jackson: I'm happy for April.
Maggie: I know that. I know that. Your family empire crumbled. Jackson that's a lot. You've been through a lot.
Jackson: Maybe. I found love though. I mean if you're like making a list of big things. I love you, Maggie.
Maggie: I love you too.

It says you spent the entire quarter's budget on your first day.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
