You're allowed to want what you want even if it's not what he wants.


Your residents aren't where they're supposed to be.

Dr. Lin

Mer: I didn't think you saw me at the restaurant.
Nick: Well, you're pretty hard to miss.

Nick: Hi.
Mer: Hi. How did you find me?
Nick: Well, a five-star hotel right next to a hospital. I took a chance.

Perez: I thought Dr. Grey was teaching the residency program now?
Webber: Who do you think taught Dr. Grey?

I'm not interested in a band-aid. I need something that can make me feel whole again.


Jo: Robin, there's a strawberry lodged in your...
Robin: OH, that tracks!

We're not abandoning anyone. We're revolutionizing medicine!


Ortiz: Where are you going?
Winston: To get her a kidney.

Krause: The EGFR is a tried and true standard.
Winston: Yes, and it's time we start questioning our standards.

Kraus: This is not protocol.
Winston: It's not. It's a life. Rashida's.

Mer: I'm scared to say yes, and I am very rarely scared.
Nick: What are you scared of?
Mer: Failure. This project will cost millions of dollars, will be risky, win or lose will be written about, and I'm not sure it's the first thing I want to do after surviving COVID.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
