It's every doctor's dilemma. Do you play it safe and follow protocol? Or take a risk and invent a new one? There can be reward in risk. There can also be fallout. Still you need to book the system every once in a while. Bet big. And when you get the results you want, there's no better feeling in the world, but when you don't...


I mean he gets most of you. The straight you, the Catholic you, the girl who loves baby showers. I just get, you know, the gay you, which is really only about twenty minutes a night...


Inside the hospital you're the man. That's the protocol, but outside I'm the man. I am the man. Me. Now you can call me cro magnon or old fashion, but that's not going to stop me from taking you home to my bed tonight and showing you what kind of man I am. Now how's that? Does that protocol suit you?


Teddy: It's not real. It's just a good story.
Henry: What's so wrong with a good story?

I meant what I said. All of it if not more.


Don't look at me like I'm damaged good. I'm still me. I'm still here.


But that's the thing, you know. I never wanted to be just your friend.


I'm extending an olive branch here. Because I know how annoying I must be to you right now. But since I was four and I got that doll that crap its pants for Christmas, I wanted a kid because, other than cracking bones, this baby's my dream. And I get to be insanely out of my mind happy for my dream, but I'm not discounting your need to vomit over my insanity...


Congratulations. You're a better woman than I am.

Arizona (to Mark)

Someone threw out the gift list, and now we don't know who got what, and people are going to think of us as the type of people who write vague and impersonal thank you notes.


You're not the Callie whisperer. And I'm not a monster for finding baby showers annoying. Everyone woman who's ever had a pregnant friend hates them. It's like a wedding—the bridesmaids always want to strangle the bride. It's practically a rule. The only one who's not normal here is you for acting like you're enjoying this.


We're going to grow old together.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
