Webber: The whole hospital was talking about how you tamed the snake, Bailey. Indiana Jones.
Bailey: Indiana Jones was afraid of snakes.

Sean, I am talking about where I am going to die - you have to be feeling something.


[narrating] As surgeons we are trained to fix what's broken. The breaking point is our starting line... at work. But in our lives the breaking point is a sign of weakness and we'll do everything we can to avoid it.


No more using my sister like a database. We broke her.


MARK: "Oh c’mon, you’re not even a little bit happy to see me?"
ADDISON: "Go home, whatever you came to do, just drop it and leave."
MARK: "Hey, we all made mistakes Addison, all three of us. But somehow... somehow, I lost my best friend and the woman I loved."
ADDISON: "Please, don’t say that."
MARK: "He doesn’t know how we felt. He doesn’t know you stayed with me after he left? How do you expect to work out a marriage if you can’t even be honest with him?"

ALEX: "That was a memory. That's what it's like sometimes. It doesn't always come back all at once, it can happen in bits and pieces."
JANE DOE: "Don't get all..."
ALEX: "Dude, your memory's coming back!"

[narrating] "Deep down, everyone wants to believe they can be hardcore. But being hardcore isn’t just about being tough. It’s about acceptance. Sometimes you have to give yourself permission to not be hardcore for once. You don’t have to be tough every minute of every day. It’s okay to let down your guard. In fact there are moments when it’s the best thing you can possibly do… as long as you choose your moments wisely."


Arizona: Oh, I have wine. White and Red, and I have cigarettes. Which is awful I know, but I only smoke on very rare, very occasionally. And, only when I know I'm gonna be in trouble. Like now.
Callie: It was inappropriate. Not to mention manipulative and stupid. You smoke?
Arizona: I know. Listen, I know you have every right to be mad at me but I ran out of options. So...
Callie: It's an expensive test, there was no indication to do it, there was a reason Webber turned you down.
Arizona: So you didn't do it?
Callie: Of course I did it Arizona.
Arizona: Thank you!

Owen: How's Kepner doing?
Maggie: What do you mean how's Kepner doing? She's a turncoat.
Owen: But she's also a friend.
Arizona: Yes, she's a friend. She's a poor, misguided, very confused friend. It's like you found out that your friend voted wrong.
Owen: Can you vote wrong?
Riggs, Jackson, Arizona, and Maggie simultaneously: Yes. Absolutely. Yeah!

Wait, I slipped on someone's ear?


Richard: Shepherd?
Derek: You're a hard man to track down.
Richard: I'm busy, as you know.
Derek: Yeah, scoping out Mercy West. You planning on jumping ship? 'Cause I assume as a friend you would tell me if there's anything I need to know.
Richard: Those are rumors Derek.
Derek: There are a lot of rumors, and Jennings isn't answering my calls anymore.
Richard: Why are you calling Jennings Derek? I told you I would fill you in when there was something to tell. If you feel the need to go behind my back, at least do...
Derek: Behind your back? Behind your back! I'm the one whose got your back. Don't you forget that.

Every year on what would be there birthdays, I light a candle. They took little pieces of our hearts, and those pieces will never be replaced. So maybe light a candle.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
