Dr Lucy Fields: Just take it easy the next few days, drink a lot of water. No tampons, no intercourse.
Arizona Robbins: Sing it!

Doctors practice deception all the time. We give vague answers to hard questions. We don't talk about post-op pain. We say you'll experience some discomfort. If you didn't die, we tell you the surgery went well, but the placebo has to be the doctor's greatest deception. Half of our patients we tell the other truth ... the other half, we pray the placebo effect's real. And we tell ourselves that they'll feel better anyhow, believing help's on the way, when, in fact, we're leaving them to die.


Sloan: That's my kid in there. I'm a dad. We're parents. A baby!
Callie: Okay, you're in.
Sloan: Should we get married?
Callie: Oh, no. I mean I'm all for raising a baby with you, but there's a line.

Sloan: A baby?
Callie: Growing like a weed in my uterus.
Sloan: Not like a weed... like a mighty oak.

Words, make words.


You have to give me a chance to process this, ok? I'm processing.


I didn't plan this, ok? I didn't plan any of this, but there's a mighty oak or whatever showing up in our lives in about seven months, so now I have to plan, and I don't know how long I can wait for you to process, but I want you in my plan. I want you to be a part of my plan.


Twitter. What the hell is a twitter?


Callie: You can be the cool uncle that hangs out on Sundays.
Mark: I'm not the cool uncle. I'm the dad.

So tell her. Do not wait until this kid comes out looking all Sloan-y.


Milkshake time is not a thing.


Arizona: I might be having Mark Sloan's baby.
Teddy: Oh good lord, he got to you too.

Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 13 Quotes

Doctors practice deception every day — on our patients, on their families. But the worst deception we practice is on ourselves. Which is why sometimes it takes us a while to realize that the truth has been in front of us the whole time.


How the hell did you get me in this position twice?!
