What the hell are you two doing? This isn't a movie. Dr. Warren is not here for your entertainment. What is this? Concessions?

Callie [to Cross and another intern]

Surgery is a drug. And operating outside the O.R.? That's mainlining.


Gretchen: Omar had this really boring partner dinner that I agreed to go to because, hello -- night out like a grown up, and three cosmopolitans later...baby on board.
Arizona: Aww.
DeLuca: Yikes.

  • Permalink: Yikes.
  • Added:

Was this a mistake, or was it hubris? Did he do his job, or did he overstep? Bailey, I know it's hard being his wife and his boss, but you're the chief now. This is your call. It's your job. Do your job.


Bailey: No, you saw what you wanted to see. You made a choice that you wanted to make.
Ben: Do you really believe that?
Bailey: What else am I supposed to --?
Ben: Oh, son of a --. I am your damned husband!

Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 18 Quotes

Surgery is a drug. And operating outside the O.R.? That's mainlining.


What the hell are you two doing? This isn't a movie. Dr. Warren is not here for your entertainment. What is this? Concessions?

Callie [to Cross and another intern]