Lexie: We have a diagnosis.
Izzie: Go ahead doctor Grey.
Lexie: Patient X. An elevated LDH was our only clue. And then we found out that she had enlarged lymph nodes, and a suspicious mole which was biopsied. Meanwhile, this MRI with contrasts showed a MET on her right temporal lobe. The biopsy reveled dividing cells. That coupled with further staging tests, lead to our final diagnosis of Metastatic Melanoma, with MET's to the liver, skin and brain.
Izzie: Your prognosis?
Lexie: With chemo, and radiation, um, a few months.
Intern: At best, girls pretty much toast.
Intern: Survival rate's 5 percent. If I were her, I'd go on a really good vacation.

Izzie: You read more journals and do more research, and log more hours in the skills lab than any other resident here. You never give up on trying to be a better doctor, and you don't step on other people to do it. I would be lucky to be the new you.
George: Are you gonna tell me about patient X?

Izzie: Maybe Cristina's right. Maybe trying to teach the interns is pointless.
George: Please, don't listen to Cristina. She thinks just because you'd rather teach then take out a gall bladder that you're the new me.
Izzie: Haha, O'Malley the sequel.
George: O'Malley 2.0.

Lexie: Ok well her SED rate is slightly elevated. Do we check for auto-immune disease?
Intern: Yeah, ANA and CRP were negative too. At worst she's got an anxiety disorder. The girl is totally fine!
Izzie: SHE IS NOT FINE! She had hallucinations. She had visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations about her dead fiance. She thought she could talk to him, and touch him. She's not fine. She's not fine. You're missing something. You're not looking in the right places. Go back and figure out what you're missing.

Intern: Woah woah, wait wait. Liver enzymes are normal. Cardiac work up is negative.
Intern:If LDH is false positive.
Intern: It's a trick question!
Izzie: What?
Intern: She's fine. Patient X is fine.
Izzie: She's not fine.

Cristina: See it's not emotional, it's science. You have a problem, don't ignore it.
Meredith: Well, sometimes if you have to pee and you ignore it, it does go away.
Izzie: Haha, you guys are hilarious! I mean do you even know what she just said? Or what she just said? I can totally see you guys in 50 years, at a nursing home, just talking at each other with your hearing aids off. Hahaha! HI-LARIOUS! Ah, I love lunch.

Meredith: Oh my god! I'm the strong one.
Cristina: You see, if I had that stomach cancer gene, I would get that gastrorectomy no problem. I face things, I don't walk away.
Meredith: Derek walks away. Maybe walking away is the answer?

Meredith: He had to get all scalpel happy up in that patients brain, and now he can't face it!
Cristina: He thinks I'm what? This wilting flower? Well guess what, I'm the strong one.

Meredith: And he just walked out. Without saying a word, he just walked out!
Cristina: Hunt won't even look at me, since he went all apocalypse now on me this morning.


Richard: Oh, Shepherd! Thank god your back. Can you swing two brain biopsies today?
Derek: I'm not operating.
Richard: Look, I know you've got a big law suit breathing down your neck, and I know you lost a patient. But, I need you back to work doing the job I hired you to do.

Meredith: You're not looking at the big picture.
Derek: This is the big picture.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
