We're human. We make mistakes. We misestimate. We call it wrong. But when a surgeon makes a bad judgment call, it's not as simple. People get hurt. They bleed. So we struggle over every stitch. We agonize over every suture because the snap judgments, the ones that comes to us quickly and easily without hesitation, they're the one that haunts us forever.

Meredith (narrating)

My mother used to say this about residency, "It takes a year to learn how to cut. It takes a lifetime to learn not to." Of all of the tools on the surgical tray, sound judgment is the trickiest one to master. And without it, we're all just toddlers running around with ten blades.

Meredith (narrating)

Hmm.... Well, to some of us surgery comes naturally, others, have to practice.

Meredith (to Cristina)

Mark: I'm telling you, these interns are out of control.
Callie: Stalkers.
Mark: Sexed-up stalkers.

Owen: Seems like you're short of a friend today, so I thought I'd fill in.
Cristina: Whatever. Colleagues aren't friends, they're competitors.

All crimes are crimes of passion. There's always a reason. People don't do stuff like that because they forget it's illegal.


I'm worried about my hospital dying. I made some calls to replace Kinley. No one wants to come here. I can't keep a cardiac surgeon on staff. Burke quit. Hahn quit. Dixon's autistic. My OR roof collapsed, the whole place flooded. The interns are literally chopping each other into little pieces. No wonder we're number 12. Twelve!

Richard (to Derek)

We don't wish for the easy stuff. We wish for big things. Things that are ambitious, out of reach. We wish because we need help and we're scared and we know we may be asking too much. We still wish, though, because sometimes they come true.

Meredith (voiceover)

Mark: We're going to need a strategy. Their hot little eyes tracking our every move.
Callie: Okay. No casual glances over the shoulder. No "this is interesting, come and have a see."

Owen: You okay? Want to get a drink or something?
Cristina: Oh. Oh, now we're on again 'cause the mood suits you? Because I'm the sad little girl with no friends and I tripped your savior complex into action? Usually I can deal with the hot and cold thing, but not today. Just leave me the hell alone.

Mark: We did good work today.
Callie: If we stay strong...
Mark: Don't get drunk...
Callie: Keep staring at Joe, we'll be fine.

We all get at least one good wish a year. Over the candles on our birthday. Some of us throw in more. On eyelashes, fountains, lucky stars, and every now and then, one of those wishes comes true. So what then? Is it is as good as we'd hoped? Do we bask in the warm glow of our happiness? Or, do we just notice we've got a long list of other wishes waiting to be wished?

Meredith (voiceover)

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
