Meredith: You knew? You knew they were going to cut her open?
Cristina: No.
Meredith: They just said you knew!
Cristina: Sutures! I knew they were doing sutures on themselves. And I didn't think I needed to say anything because I shut it down. I handled it!
Meredith: Well apparently you didn't, because it almost cost Lexie her job, not to mention that Sadie almost died in there!

Cristina: Okay, Sadie did that to herself. And let's not pretend that you have some sort of relationship with Lexie? Let's not pretend that you care about her.
Meredith: I care about my job! And I care about doing the right thing.
Cristina: Who are you to lecture me about doing the right thing!? Are you kidding me? You're not an attending, Meredith. You may be sleeping with one, but you aren't one yet.

Meredith: Is that what this is about? Derek? It's always going to be about Derek?
Cristina: Okay, fine, it's not about Derek, it's about you and me, and the fact that you didn't have my back in that room!
Meredith: What would you have wanted me to say...
Cristina: I don't know, anything! You should have said anything! You have a relationship with the Chief. You have his ear. But you didn't say anything to defend me! Because this isn't just on me. You just stood there and you watched him take me out of the running for solo surgery. You let me take all the blame. But the fact is that we all had interns in that room. We all failed to supervise them. And if your friend had died in there, that would have been on all of us too. You should have said that.

Meredith: If you're out here, then who's in there with Izzie ... Derek?!
Derek: [runs out of his room] What?!
Meredith: Nothing. Nothing. I just-
Derek: What are you doing dressed at 3 in the morning? [hears Izzie moaning] Who's making a porno movie in Izzie's room?

Meredith: What... what are you doin' out here?
Alex: What, you think you're the only one who paid a nurse to have her page you with an appy?
Meredith: That's not what I meant.
[hears Izzie moaning]
Meredith: THAT'S what I meant.

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Meredith: What do you think about Lexie, your sister?
Sadie: What do I think about her?
Meredith: Yeah, what do you think about her as an ally for me. My new intern BFF!
Sadie: I, um, I don't, no, I don't ... see that. She was raised by parents and rules and smiley faces on the wall.

Sadie: Death is so wrong about you.
Lexie: What did she say?
Sadie: That you're a priss.

Bailey: You never know Karev, severe abdominal pain could become an appendectomy ...
Alex: Dr. Bailey I am here to help in any way that I can. If there's someone in pain, then I'm there.

Page the Chief, and go get Bailey. Tell him there's been an emergency. You're not to say anything else. And take that crazy look off your face!


Lexie: Shall we call a code?
Cristina: There is no code on an outpatient surgery in the middle of the night because normally, this would be done by a surgeon in a regular OR.

See? Told you I was real.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
