Meredith: So you and Lexie..
Alex: What?
Meredith: I mean I'm just saying you and Lexie are a thing now, not just...
Alex: I'm acting like a duck.
Meredith: What?
Alex: I figure if you walk like a duck and quack like a duck, you eventually start to feel like a duck. And Lexie is nice and normal and healthy. I'm acting like a guy who can stick with nice, normal and healthy.
Meredith: You're becoming a duck.
Alex: I am becoming a duck.

Lexie: The point is - I need to know what we are. What this is.
Alex: We're a thing, yeah we're together. We're a thing. Whatever.

A happy patient is a healthy patient Yang.


There was never another Henry.


Go Bailey - indeed.


You know, its just a little something that's been stuck in my head.


Cristina: Maybe we should keep this area clear for emergencies?
Henry: We haven't seen each other in half a century.
Cristina: All the more reason to wait a little longer for your reunion.

Okay wow, well this could be fun if we decide to let it.


Now woman, I am naked and I look good. Are you going to sit there and lecture me or are you going to let me take you into my bedroom and have my way with you.


Owen: Lets move in together. Good, you cant answer. That's good I don't want you to, I ran it past my shrink and she thinks it's a good idea. So think about it. Me, you, our own place.
Cristina: Yes.
Owen: What! Yes?
Cristina: Yes, but I need to warn you that this is my fourth martini and my judgment is severely impaired. Also, I'm a real easy lay right now.

Meredith: At my parties we drink beer and dance on tables.
Derek: Are you insulting my party?
Meredith: It is getting kinda lame out there.
Derek: Duty calls.

Wanna go upstairs and make-out?


Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Quotes

Sean, I am talking about where I am going to die - you have to be feeling something.


Arizona: Oh, I have wine. White and Red, and I have cigarettes. Which is awful I know, but I only smoke on very rare, very occasionally. And, only when I know I'm gonna be in trouble. Like now.
Callie: It was inappropriate. Not to mention manipulative and stupid. You smoke?
Arizona: I know. Listen, I know you have every right to be mad at me but I ran out of options. So...
Callie: It's an expensive test, there was no indication to do it, there was a reason Webber turned you down.
Arizona: So you didn't do it?
Callie: Of course I did it Arizona.
Arizona: Thank you!