Renard: I can't believe they shot me with rubber bullets.
Rosalee: Well, we had to make whatever was inside you think he was really dying, otherwise he might not have left you.
Monroe: And if it really was Jack the Ripper, he was from the 1800s, so he would have known about guns, but not rubber bullets. So, he would've thought he was really getting shot.
Renard: I *was* really getting shot. Those things hurt.

Don't you guys ever sleep?!


Rosalee: I swear to God, if I have to cut up another body for a potion...
Monroe: ...or heal the captain one more time?
Rosalee: Let's drink to something.
Monroe: To something. [They clink their wineglasses.]

Down with the king!


I think we should get out of here before someone tries to paint over *us*.


Wu: This has *got* to be Wesen!
Hank: Can't wait to explain *that* to Pogue.
Wu: I'll visit you in the psych ward every Tuesday.

Monroe: You might want to think about a change in venue.
Nick: You mean move.
Monroe: I mean get the hell outta here!

What if he's like me, or what if he's like you? What if he's some weird combination of both of us, like some Hexen-Grimm or Grimmenbiest?! I can't do this alone!


Tell you two things I know about kids. One, they are the future and should be cherished. Two, they're lying little bastards!


Kelly, you're too young to appreciate the irony of this, but the car we're driving around belonged to a woman who tried to kill me. Of course, I tried to kill her, too. It was all very complicated.


I think we're beyond "weird" at this point.


Look, whatever kind of family you have, reality is relative. You know? Normal is just the middle of the mess.


Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
