It's obvious. It was committed by a barefooted many carrying a wolf.


Nick: Those dogs are gonna lead them straight to your house.
Monroe: No, they're not. That's why I mark my territory. You can see it's totally freakin' them out.

We all have secrets Doctor, now let's talk about Larry's.


Right now I'm not asking you as a Detective.


Am I too late? Oh no, I can't be too late you're still alive. That's a good thing.


You did hear what I said about it being a trap right?


I told you to meet me, not eat me!


Monroe: Okay, okay, so technically we would have to bend the truth about some things.
Nick: Some things? Monroe, name one aspect of our relationship that we wouldn't have to lie about.

I'm a Grimm. I'm also a cop.


Oh my God, dude, you took out two reapers.


Nick: I think I need to send 'em a message.
Monroe: I think you do too, and you know what? When it comes to sending these guys messages two heads are better than one.

If you seek peace prepare for war.


Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
