Joe: This isn't about Ryan. It's um...
Cameron: I'm just saying, I don't think you should keep the world from what you do.
Joe: OK. What is it that I do?
Cameron: It's so hard to bring about actual change, real change. And the whole world conspires to stop that from happening. But you bring people together. You create change. I think that that's really great.

Seat opens up on a crowded train. Some kid's gotta take it. Maybe you're the next stop, maybe you're a good Samaritan or maybe you think you don't deserve it.


Joe: The thing that gets you to the thing.
Cameron: Huh?
Joe: It was you. It was always you.

It was difficult for a very long time, but I'm doing so much better since I reconnected with your wife.


The real security is trusting no one.


For a while you had me fooled. I mean, I thought I heard a heartbeat, but it wasn’t a heartbeat. It was an echo.


Two things destroy businesses -- mediocrity and making it about yourself.


Software comes and goes. Hardware is forever.


You’re the future. Ain’t nothing scarier than that.


I darf you very gerp.


I'm just a carpetbagger from New York.


I, Ryan Ray, released the MacMillan source code. I acted alone and nobody told me to do it. I did this because security is a myth. Contrary to what you might have heard, my friend, you are not safe. Safety is a story, it's something we teach our kids so they can sleep at night, but we know it's not real. Beware baffled humans, beware false prophets who will sell you a fake future of bad teachers, corrupt leaders and dirty corporations. Beware of cops and robbers, the kinds that rob your dreams. But most of all, beware of each other. The world is going to crack wide open. There is something on the horizon. A massive connectivity. The barriers between us will disappear, and we're not ready. We'll hurt each other in new ways, we'll sell and be sold, we'll share our most tender selves only to be mocked and destroyed. We'll be so vulnerable, and we'll pay the price. We won't be able to pretend that we can protect ourselves anymore. It's a huge danger, a gigantic risk, but it's worth it, if only we can learn to take care of each other, then this awesome new connection won't isolate us. It won't leave us in the end so totally alone.
