Hannibal: It would be a shame not to savour you.
Bedelia: I haven't marinated enough for your tastes.

Bedelia: How does he inspire such devotion?
Chiyo: You're his psychiatrist.

I used to think that Will Graham was Hannibal's biggest mistake. Now I wonder if it isn't you.


Bedelia: My husband is a doctor. He treats my condition.
Jack: What condition is that?
Bedelia: I get confused.

Hannibal: How is Chiyo?
Will: Well, she pushed me off a train
Hannibal: Attagirl.

If I were like Hannibal, I would have killed you already, cooked you, ate you, and fed what was left of you to him. It's what he would do.


Guest: You have a very good butcher.
Hannibal: I do indeed. The lamb must be newly slaughtered, the organs cooked the same day. I always oversee this process personally.

My husband's ego is not measured by conventional means.


Guest: It smells divine.
Hannibal: It is! I say that without ego. I don't require conventional reinforcement.

Guest: Professor Soglioto doesn't know what he's missing. So rude of him to ignore your invitation.
Bedelia: He sends his regrets.

Hannibal: What are you going to do after you eat me?
Will: You could erect some foster homes and torment some children.

Don't you worry, Dr Lecter. You will always be cooked to perfection.


Hannibal Quotes

Graham: What are you smiling at?
Lecter: Peaking behind the curtain, I'm just curious how the FBI goes about its business when it's not kicking in doors.

Lecter: What are we looking for?
Graham: At this stage, anything really, but mostly anything peculiar.