Does he know what you are?


What is it worth to be known as the man who caught Hannibal Lecter?


Will: Why are you searching for him? What are you hoping to find
Chiyo: I'm not searching for Hannibal. I know exactly where he is.
Will: Is he in Florence?
Chiyo: Yes
Will: Why didn't you tell me you knew?
Chiyo: I told you. Ther are means of influence other than violence. But violence is what you understand.

You can trust me, you know.

Hannibal Quotes

Graham: What are you smiling at?
Lecter: Peaking behind the curtain, I'm just curious how the FBI goes about its business when it's not kicking in doors.

Lecter: What are we looking for?
Graham: At this stage, anything really, but mostly anything peculiar.