Don't you worry, Dr Lecter. You will always be cooked to perfection.


I can abide the thought of Hannibal being tortured. Not necessarily to death. I say he has it coming.


Alana: Could I have ever understood you?
Hannibal: No.

Mason: You're dead.
Alana: No Mason. We all are. Didn't you know that?

Chiyo: Did you eat her?
Hannibal: Yes, but I did not kill her.

When it comes to you and me, there can be no decisive victory.


I miss my dogs. I'm not going to miss you. I'm not going to find you. I'm not going to look for you. I don't want to know where you are or what you do. I don't want to think about you anymore.


Hannibal: You delight yourself in wickedness and berate yourself for the delight.
Will: You delight. I tolerate. I don't have your appetite. Goodbye Hannibal.

Hannibal: You caught the Chesapeake Ripper.
Jack: We didn't catch you, you surrendered.
Hannibal: I wanted you to know exactly where I am, and where you can always find me.

Betrayed by good taste.

Congratulations Hannibal. you're officially insane.


Alana: For convenience, they term you a monster.
Hannibal: What do you term me?
Alana: I don't. You defy categorization.

Hannibal Quotes

Graham: What are you smiling at?
Lecter: Peaking behind the curtain, I'm just curious how the FBI goes about its business when it's not kicking in doors.

Lecter: What are we looking for?
Graham: At this stage, anything really, but mostly anything peculiar.