Peter Petrelli: You didn't hear anything I said earlier today, did you?
Nathan Petrelli: About that bit how you can fly. Yeah I did. I'm going to pretend for both our sakes you didn't say anything like that.

Isaac Mendez: Recently I painted a picture of... a man exploding.
Hiro Nakamura: How do you stop an exploding man?

Are you on the list?


I haven't had a drink in months, and they make a mean appletini.

Adam Monroe

Jessica Sanders: What do you know about control, Niki?
Niki Sanders: You're part of me. You do what I say.

Matt: You ever seen this symbol before?
Ando: Yes. It is a kanji. It means, "great ability, godsend."

Ted, you're radioactive by nature!

Matt Parkman

[to Hiro] I wish destiny would lose our number.

Ando Masahashi

I work for your father. He sent me here to make you forget; like he sent me to your friend, and your brother, and to your mother, so many times. He'll be here soon, expecting that you won't remember anything. But it is very important that you do. Tell me, Claire, can you keep a secret?

The Haitian

Knox: I'm going to wait until your brother has gotten rid of all the formula.
Nathan: You're working for Peter?
Knox: Yeah. He's one of the good guys now.

Mohinder Suresh: It appears the cockroaches are the least of my problems.
Exterminator: [Pointing a gun at Mohinder] Yeah, no argument there.

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Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys