Oh! Waffles! Woohoo!

Hiro Nakamura

[to the High Roller's thugs] My friend, have very big power! He take you all out; make you wish you never been born!

Ando Masahashi

Ando Masahashi: [after winning in a game of roulette] I won! I won! Did you see that? I won!
Hiro Nakamura: Okay. Let's leave now.
Ando Masahashi: Now? Are you kidding? I'm on a roll!
Hiro Nakamura: No. You're not.
Ando Masahashi: But I just won. Big.
Hiro Nakamura: I did it. I stopped time. Moved the ball. You won because of me.
[Ando looks at Hiro surprised]
Hiro Nakamura: It's horrible. I'm a terrible person. But it was our last dollar.
Ando Masahashi: It's genius. Do it again!
Hiro Nakamura: No! It's cheating.
Ando Masahashi: Is Peter Parker cheating when he sells pictures of Spider-Man?
Hiro Nakamura: No.
Ando Masahashi: All heroes have a system. This is our system.
Hiro Nakamura: [smiles and shouts in English] Let it ride!

[as Jessica] Niki's not here right now.

Niki Sanders

Niki Sanders: I don't have a husband. He left.
Nathan Petrelli: For another woman?
Niki Sanders: I wish.
Nathan Petrelli: Man?
Niki Sanders: [Laughs] I would take that one too.

Mohinder Suresh: Your life may be in danger. I believe someone is targeting you.
Nathan Petrelli: Can you be a little more specific? Twelve percent of the electorate strongly opposes me.

My name is Hiro Nakamura. I'm from the future. I have a message for you.

Hiro Nakamura

Zach: So that's it? You're going to go just pump your pom-poms and pretend you're not any different than any other girl on the squad?
Claire Bennet: Yes, actually.
Zach: But you are, Claire! You are different. Don't you see that none of this matters? School spirit doesn't matter. Being a pretty blonde cheerleader doesn't matter. It's not who you are anymore.
Claire Bennet: Who I am? So what, I can crawl through a woodchipper and live to tell about it. That narrows my choices in life to freak or guinea pig, in most cases both. What's wrong with wanting to be normal? You should try it.

Hiro Nakamura: Suddenly, I'm in New York! Five weeks in the future!
Ando Masahashi: Been hitting the sake?
Hiro Nakamura: I found the book's author, but he was dead! Then there's a nuclear explosion! Ka-boom! It all happens in five weeks, and you and I have to stop it!
Ando Masahashi: Definitely the sake.

Matt Parkman: What do you want from me?
Mr. Bennet: We wanna know more about you.

Mr. Bennett: So is that the quarterback?
Claire Bennet: Who?
Mr. Bennett: The boy that you like right over there.
Claire Bennet: I don't "like" him. I mean he's a very nice boy, but...
Claire Bennet: yes, he's the quarterback.
Mr. Bennett: You really wanted to make me happy, you'd only date nerds. Well it worked out very well for your mother.

Peter Petrelli: [Punches Nathan in the face] You son of a bitch!
Nathan Petrelli: Careful, Peter. That's our mother you're talking about.

Heroes Season 1 Quotes

We are not the pinnacle of so-called evolution. That honor belongs to the lowly cockroach. Capable of living for months without food. Remaining alive headless for weeks at a time. Resistant to radiation. If God has indeed created Himself in His own image, then I submit to you that God is a cockroach.

Mohinder Suresh

This quest. This need to solve life's mysteries. In the end, what does it matter when the human heart can only find meaning in the smallest of moments? They're here. Among us. In the shadows. In the light. Everywhere. Do they even know yet?

Mohinder Suresh

Heroes Season 1 Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys