My power is understanding people like you. That's what I do.


We need to jump start the real Sylar. Wake the sleeping lion.


Maybe you have to figure out who you were, to be figure out who you wanna be.


Nathan: Every time there's a secret buried somewhere, I find you with a shovel behind your back.
Angela: You should write Mother's Day cards.

Claire: Mr. Bennet, what do you think your greatest strength as a salesman is?
HRG: Well, if they don't agree with me, I can always just shoot them.

I'm like a Swiss Army Knife of super powers now.


Nathan just hasn't been himself lately.


Governor: Tracy, is that you?
Tracy: Hello, Governor. I'm back.

I don't wanna be anyone other than me. I just wanna be Claire Bennet, daughter of Noah Bennet.


Parkman: I'm out.
Angela: There's no such thing as out. Not for people like us.

I don't feel mortal. I feel invincible.


There's a lot of change going on with me.


Heroes Season 4 Quotes

Angela: Nathan says you're avoiding his phone calls.
HRG: By Nathan, you mean Sylar, right?

Hi. I'm here to save you.
