Kim: I would never cheat on you.
Frank: But you’d leave Erie Harbor without talking to me about it.
Kim: I would have talked to you about it.
Frank: What would you have said?
Kim: For the right job, yes.
Frank: Cool.
Kim: Look, if you have something to say…Frank. Just tell me how you feel.
Frank: How I feel. I feel like I wish I hadn’t been carrying a ring around this entire time, waiting for the right time to propose to you.

You love being a journalist because no one gave it to you, so no one can take it away. Not even Mom and Dad. You’ve got this.

Izzy [to Hilde]

Trip: Just do the extra patrols and maybe run a little interference for me with Hilde and her cohorts.
Frank: I could put a banana in Rutherford's tailpipe, too, if that would help?
Trip: Don't play with me. I might take you up on that.

Seriously, Hilde, you're like some old person's Reddit feed but like inside my house. Didn't you just make a bunch of people happy because you cleaned up some pond? Can't you just, I don't know, enjoy that for the next ten full seconds before you move on to the next conspiracy?


Hilde: Don't take this the wrong way, but why do you actually answer my questions? It's just that adults don't usually do that.
Grant: I know everyone talks about the Richie Fife story and what a big deal that was, but I thought that little piece you did on the ethical treatment of animals in pet stores, I thought that was really compelling.
Hilde: I thought nobody read that; it got like four clicks.
Grant: Well, all four clicks might have been me, but I donated $20,000 to the Erie Harbor animal shelter because of it.

I hope you solve all the mysteries of life, Hilde Lisko, starting with this one.


Grant: I've actually been meaning to reach out to you about pitching an article to your paper. You see, we're working on trying to become one of the greenest companies in the Pacific Northwest and, well, I thought maybe you'd let the town know about some of our new initiatives.
Hilde: We don't do puff pieces.

You’re never going to find the truth if you’re only looking for what you want to see.


I know you think the Liskos are the problem, but I’ve found, in their own backward way, they’re usually a part of the solution.


Izzy: Why were you so mean to me before?
Jessica: I don’t know. High school, I guess.
Izzy: You were just now becoming my only friend here too. God, what am I supposed to do now?
Jessica: Oh, come on. If I were you, I would have fully run away ages ago. You’re too cool for a place like Erie Harbor, Iz. And I mean that.

This town, there’s the way things are done, and then there’s everything else.

Frank Briggs Sr.

Junior: This little girl ain’t afraid of anyone, is she?
Trip: What did Hilde do now?

Home Before Dark Quotes

What are you going to report on in Eric Harbor anyway? An American flag that beats up an apple pie?


So we’re going to stay at my grandpa’s house since he moved to an old folks' home. My Mom and Dad say we’re there to be near him but I think it’s because it’s free and we don’t have anywhere else to go.
