Amanda: She claims that the doctor she gets her oxy from is extorting her for sex. I don't know whether or not to believe her.
Fin: She's a junkie. She's working you.

Rollins: Kim said the oxy works really well.
Doctor: And she told you how this works?
Rollins: You mean paying with sex?
Doctor: Right.
Rollins: How much can I get?
Doctor: You're allowed a week's supply, but if you have different IDs we can get around that. Small pharmacies, my assistant has a list. Now lie back and pull up your skirt and I'll be right with you.

Hadid: Do you think he's the only doctor doing this?
Benson: Isn't that for the DEA to investigate?
Hadid: The DEA has no clue how to investigate sex crimes. And now we have leverage.

Fin: How did you pass the drug tests?
Kim: Where there's a will,t here's a way.

Kat: I'm not sure I know enough about Exphisiam to answer any questions.
Tiffany: Oh, we are not going upstairs to talk.

Hadid: Trey? It's a fundraiser for bilingual education. They are a very charitable family.
Benson: That's nice, but his entire team will be there.

Deliah: I need your help. I have to get this taken down. I already got fired from my teaching job. Oh my God, what if the Nationals find out?
Benson: We are going to do everything we can, but to be perfectly honest, once these things go viral, it's hard to get a handle on it.

Sweat, blood, semen. It's like a petri dish in there.


I can teach them to dance; I can't teach them not to be young and stupid.


Garland: He's protesting way too much. He asked me to give him my word I'd keep him in the loop.
Benson: I'm so sorry.
Garland: So am I. I have a sick feeling that those donations had nothing to do with the Lord.

Laura: The photos are fake! You have to tell them!
Garland: What about the payments? $250,000! I can't make this go away!
Laura: Then our relationship is over. Nobody in our church will speak to you or your wife or your little girl again.

Benson: Because I trust you and the community trusts you, I might need your help with this.
Garland: Okay. In this case, Laura Chase pulled me aside and said she was worried about the embezzlement charges. Might be an opening.