McGrath: I'd like to put a UC on this.
Benson: Sir, Howard is going to a fundraiser tonight and we have two CIs on it.
McGrath: Still. I'd like another UC. How can we make that happen?
Benson: Through Dr. Machado, I guess. I'll tell Garland.
McGrath: Don't. There's questions about Garland's loyalty because of his former association with Catalina Machado.
Benson: I can assure you that Garland's loyalty is to this department.
McGrath: Still, I'd prefer you not tell him. Or the rest of SVU. Lives could be riding on this.
Benson: This could be dangeorus for your guy.
McGrath: So make sure that it isn't.

Nothing as bad as white people congratulating themselves.


Rollins: They get anything on the driver?
Benson: THey're looking into it, but they think it was a hit and run.
Fin: Who knew exactly how hard to hit and where to run.

Benson: They want me to get an MRI, but who has time for that?
Carisi: No. You have to see an orthopedist. You don't mess around with a broken ankle.
Benson: Thank you Dr. Carisi.

Carisi: I don't know... someone can see us.
Rollins: It's the courthouse at 10 o'clock. It's not like the cleaning crew's gonna care.

Stabler: They make a great couple. How did they meet?
Benson: She's a cop. She was Fin's first partner.

Garland: I also got a call from my dad. He's retired but he's still in touch with some guys on the job. The Old Guard wants to take me out.
Benson: What does that mean?
Garland: Dirty me up, force me off the job.
Benson: Oh Chief, I'm sorry.
Garland: It's all right. No matter what happens, I'm not going to go quietly.

Benson: A conspiracy this big, either Marcado is willfully ignorant or she's involved.
Garland: There's no way she's involved in this. If she has a fault, it's that she's too dedicated to the cause.

Kat: What now?
Fin: Well she admitted she had sex with Ruben Ortiz. That's enough to bring him in. My guess, he'll sing to save his own ass.

Rollins: Denise, there is a new woman in your old apartment. What happened to you is happening to her and she has a kid younger than yours.
Denise: If she's anything like me, she's doing what she's got to do.

Rosa: You're coming to my son's school? I told you, I didn't do anything wrong.
Benson: You're not in trouble. We just want to make sure you and your son are safe.
Rosa: I can't go back to the shelter.
Benson: And that's what's going to happen if you don't have sex with these men?

Kat: My guess: Ms. Swanson's a busybody.
Fin: May be, but we still gotta follow up.