Kat: My guess: Ms. Swanson's a busybody.
Fin: May be, but we still gotta follow up.

Kat: Lots of post-pandemic weddings. It's gonna be hard to find a venue.
Fin: I don't need a venue.
Rollins: Yes you do, and you need someone to marry you. [Carisi comes in] Carisi, you still have your minister's license, right?
Carisi: You don't need me to -
Rollins: Yes, we do. For Fin.
Fin: Friday the 28th. I don't know where, but be there.

Andy: I have something to say to you. I won't stop you from seeing Charlie.
Diana: So we'll both be in his life?
Andy: Yes. We just won't be in each other's.

Andy: It doesn't matter. I know she loves me and that she isn't going to do it again.
Benson: I can't tell you how many times I've heard these words. Unfortunately, in these cases, things don't get better. Is this how you want to live your life, Andy? Always worried that she could hurt you, that she could take your child?
Andy: What do you want me to do? She said if a jury takes one look at me and one look at her, nobody's going to believe me.

Carisi: Whatever happened, both of his [Charlie's] parents are trying to protect him.
Benson: That's what worries me. When couples get to this point, the next call could come from the morgue.

Benson: We've been here a hundred times. In our experience, victims don't make up stories of abuse. If a woman is intimidated by a male assailant, we believe her.
Fin: What do you want us to do?
Benson: Fight for the victim.

Carisi: I came to drop off your dad's will.
Fin: His will? I thought he was doing better.
Rollins: He is. But Carisi is teaching me how to be a grown-up.

Mrs. Garland: It's funny, Christian is the deputy chief but he says you have a lot more practical experience.
Benson: Male victims of domestic violence, it's not our usual case.

Garland: Are you sure he didn't just misspeak?
Benson: His injuries are consistent with sexual assault.
Garland: You think it's his wife? What can we do about this?
Benson: Right now, not a damn thing.

I appreciate your concern. Nothing happened. There is no there here.


Doctor: Did he tell you how he got injured?
Garland: No, he was unconscious.
Doctor: He said he fell down some stairs.
Garland: And you think that's a cover?
Doctor: Without breaking confidentiality, I think you should have Captain Benson talk to him.

I love the ocean. You know why? The ocean doesn't give a crap about you or about anybody. It does whatever it wants and you just have to along with it.


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
