Billy: Had it comin' the way I see it.
Bass: Course he did. Still don't make it right, do it?
Billy: Don't rain on me like that, Bass.
Bass: Silas Cobb was a drunkard, adulterer, and a thief, but a man all the same. Second I called out his name, that man was my responsibility. My responsibility.

Billy: Can I kill this crazy old fool, Bass? He's a goddamned blight!
Crazy Old Fool: There ain't no law here. This here's hell.
Bass: Until God say otherwise, I'm the only law there is.

Silas Cobb: Bass Reeves got the jump on me through a damned window. At least you're known to be a reasonable black bastard.
Bass: I said easy, but hard is just fine.

Wanna know my name? It's two bits, one for the house and one for me. Three bits, and you can call me anything you want.

Lady of Ill Repute

Judge Parker: I was encouraged to hire you because of the color of your skin. Because the Indians would listen to someone like you. May be true, but that’s not why I called you in. I need a man with a good gun and a straight spine. You up for the task?
Bass: I wouldn’t be sitting here in my Sunday best if I wasn’t.
Judge Parker: It’s hard work. It exacts a toll. Few men survive long enough to be good at it. And those that do end up like Sherrill Lynn.
Bass: I ain’t never goin’ to be Sherrill Lynn.
Judge Parker: Well, let’s make it official. May I? [asks for Bass’s bible] Oh. Your good book’s got stories of its own.
Bass: That it does.
Judge Parker: Well, you’ll have to enlighten me one of these days.

Judge Parker: Repeat after me. I, Bass Reeves, do solemnly swear.
Bass: I, Bass Reeves, do solemnly swear
Judge Parker: that I will faithfully execute
Bass: That I will faithfully execute
Judge Parker: all lawful precepts directed to the Marshal of the United States
Bass: all lawful precepts directed to the Marshal of the United States
Judge Parker: for the Western District of Arkansas
Bass: for the Western District of Arkansas
Judge Parker: without malice or partiality
Bass: without malice or partiality
Judge Parker: perform the duties of Deputy Marshal
Bass: perform the duties of Deputy Marshal
Judge Parker: and take only my lawful fees
Bass: and take only my lawful fees
Judge Parker: so help me, God.
Bass: so help me, God.
Judge Parker: You have miles to ride. Godspeed the horses.

You’re blessed with a lot of love in your life. Keep a hold of it.

Arthur [to Sally]

Keep your current path; this your fate, Billy Crow. Empty boots strung up on a lawman’s saddle.

Bass: It’s hard for a man to put fear and hate behind him.
Sherrill: Oh, hell, Bass. I ain’t even tryin’.
Bass: Black, white, or red, we all just men.

Bass: Why this man called One Charlie?
Sherrill: Cause there ain’t another Charlie like him.

George: It’s a damn confederacy of dunces, Bass. It’s not debatable, is it?
Bass: No, sir.
George: No, sir, indeed. Strike my tent, pack my gear. Pack the horses.

Jennie: Man in town tried to sell me paradise, so I bought that piano instead.
Bass: With what?
Jennie: With the promise that my husband was makin’ a decent payday.
Bass: About that…

Lawmen: Bass Reeves Quotes

No garlands, no trumpets. Just us tonight. Such a sad homecoming.


George: It’s a damn confederacy of dunces, Bass. It’s not debatable, is it?
Bass: No, sir.
George: No, sir, indeed. Strike my tent, pack my gear. Pack the horses.