We have to convince them that they need us. It will be tough, and they might shoot you a little.


Hardison: How is this car going to get Lefty's attention? 

Parker: You bring a car like this to a local chop-shop, they all know a new player is in town. Besides this is Lefty's car.

Sophie: Do you know why driving this car is like making love to a beautiful woman?

Customer: Because I have never done either?

Penzer: You want to buy Veronica here?
Nate: Veronica? I thought Betty was the fast one.

That was hotter than Mr Toad's wild ride.


That's the different between a real soldier and this Halloween outfit you have going on. You'd kill to protect your rights. A real soldier would die to protect someone else's.


Nate: Next time I steal you a train, get on it.
Hardison: Your not bringing me down, I made a bomb out of a menthol.

Nate: You're going to go toe to toe with these guys without a plan?
Hardison: Oh we have a plan, it's called C.W.A.
Eliot: Can of Whoop Ass.

Nate, our cover is blown. The revolution is starting early.


Do I look like someone who eats at a bait shop?


Hardison: What's that smell?
Eliot: Fresh Air.
Hardison: I don't like it.

First rule of crime. Follow the money.


Leverage Quotes

Alec: I'm just very good at what I do.
Parker: This is the score! The score!
Alec: Age of the geek, baby.
Eliot: Somebody kiss this man so I don't have to.

Eliot: He tried to kill us.
Parker: More importantly he didn't pay us.
Eliot: How is that more important?
Parker: I take that personally.
Eliot: There's somethin' wrong with you.