No fear. Eye on the prize.


I don't think you're capable of fighting at this level anymore. Now, I know it hurts to hear that, but it's going to hurt a hell of a lot worse in the ring.


And they call me a diva.


Damn, Lights. Your girls are tough.


Theresa: I feel like she just wants to meet some rich guy and get married.
Patrick: Is that so bad, if she's happy?
Theresa: Yes, it is. She should aspire to more. She used to want to be a doctor, remember?
Patrick: She also wanted to be a racecar driver and a Muppet.

Ed: Most trainers, they don't allow their fighters to fool around before a fight, but I think a relaxed fighter is an effective fighter. Don't you agree?
Patrick: Uh, yeah.
Ed: So in terms of the old marital bed, you just keep doing what you're doing. Follow your bliss.
Patrick: Right now?
Ed: Drink your tea first.

Pops: This place is depressing.
Margaret: Now you figure that out?

To make a fighter truly strong, I have to see him at his weakest point first.


Is your brother a boxer or a vampire?


Patrick: Thanks for waiting outside.
Johnny: Right. Wouldn't want to upset Othello.

Patrick: Could I get two more, Tommy? Extra Cheese? Don't tell Ed.
Johnny: Oh sure, I won't tell Ed... the next time I never see him. How's about that?

What are you so afraid of?


Lights Out Quotes

Patrick: I don't like your tone.
Man: What are you gonna do? Beat me up?

Please, Patrick, I love you too much to watch you die. Either you stop or we stop.
