Bo: Well, you must know some old, noble family type, we can exploit into helping us.
Trick: Actually, we all do.

Bo: What does that make me?
The Blackthorn: An obnoxious vegan.

You kinda sprung some big stuff on me. Trading in your feelings to save my live -- that's one messed-up love letter.


How many couples get to fall in love twice?


As a team we are pretty unbeatable. And, that is what is needed right now. You and I being Team Badass. You are going to put on your big-wolf pants and your gonna come with me and kick some tail. Or, I'm going to start kicking your tail.


What the Norn took from you, maybe Bo can get it back?


Kenzi: Dude, what's been up with you lately? That time of the wolf-month?
Dyson: I've missed you too, Kenzi.

Are there no phones in Douchetown?


Under Fae. Collect the whole set.


I heard you needed me. I came.


You want to be helpful -- call Dyson. Tell him to grow a pair and come home. I'm tired of getting her emergency take out.


Try and forgive me.
