Kill those sperm. Game over baby, yeah.


John you spent the week scheming and lying. I don't respect what you did, but I can certainly exploit someone like you.


If there is one thing I hate its stolen comedy.


Truly talented people always think they are a fraud. Its like my buddy OJ. The guy is a Heisman trophy winner, but he always had this look liked he did something wrong.


You took the credit for a dead man's jokes. Thats stealing. No wonder Lupides is haunting us.


I felt like the holiday was getting a little watered down. I wanted Halloween to be scary again.


Impossible. I was doing a lot of anti cat stuff. The mice love that.


Halloween is the least sentimental holiday. No one is ever like 'I should give mom a call. Ever since pop died she never goes out on Halloween dressed as a power ranger and takes ecstasy.'

Lying there with your dead weight on me, totally in your own Catholic head. Just trying to delay the inevitable. And then the look you gave me just to say did you??? And no John, I didn't. That's the dream.


He was humble, he was nervous and he had no swagger. Oh my God! That's how I learned to talk to women.

You know, I defend you when people say you are a Seinfeld rip off.


No matter how you die on the toiler, people assume its because you couldn't handle what was coming out.


Mulaney Quotes

Doctor: Alright you are going to feel a little pressure.
Mulaney: I guess this might as well happen, adult life is weird. But doctor sometimes I get nervous on airplanes....ohhhhhhhhh!

Oh, shes running from me, because in her eyes I am an adult. And adults murder each other.
