Akira: You really think she’s the key?
Zumbado: You know she is. This is how we take back our planet.

Adam: You do have a connection. Its energy is matched to yours, almost like your its key. That disk you had today, it wasn't real.
Naomi: Yes, it was. I saw it. I held it. I carried it all day.
Adam: Different energy. What you had is called a transmutation. An object conjured from nothing. Whoever did this is dangerous.
Dee: We believe it was a warning.
Adam: You have power I have never felt before. That makes you a threat to a lot of people. Sorry to be the one to tell you. You seem cool.

The disk just disappeared. How does that happen?

Dee: It's natural to want answers. But you're not going to get them from Zumbado. It's best you leave it only.
Naomi: I can handle it.
Dee: Yes, one day. Having powers doesn't mean that you're ready to use them. It takes time. Patience.

Akira: How did you find me?
Zumbado: The same way we find everyone.
Akira: You have the disk? And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.

Naomi: I can't believe you guys kept all of this.
Greg: I can't believe our little girl is all grown up.
Jennifer: But no matter how old you get, you will always be our Naomi.

Dee: Sometimes when I'm stressed I, uh, do some deep breathing.
Naomi: I think I'll stick with the straight-up panic attack.

Naomi: Could you introduce me to Superman?
Dee: Maybe, one day.

Stop messing with things that you don't understand.

Zumbado [to Naomi]

Naomi: I could hear it, Annabelle.
Annabelle: Hear what?
Naomi: Everything.

Naomi: It's impossible.
Dee: Superman once told me, 'Impossible is relative.'
Naomi: Superman?
Dee: I fought with him in a war. A long time ago. He is real, Naomi.

Your world has fundamentally changed. And I doubt I'm the only one who noticed. We need to get you ready.

Dee [to Naomi]

Naomi Quotes

Babe, I say this with all the love in my heart, you gotta get a grip. I’ve never seen you like this.

Annabelle [to Naomi]

Naomi: Lourdes keeps texting me about the Superman thing.
Greg: Wait, Lourdes? Wait, which one is she again?
Jennifer: Purple hair. She has a crush on Naomi.
Naomi: Mom!
Greg: Does that mean no more Nathan?
Jennifer: They broke up last month. I thought you were dating Anthony.
Naomi: Can we please not talk about this?