Annabelle: So, where do we start?
Naomi: Anthony said he overheard one of the nurses saying something like this has happened here before.
Annabelle: So, we're the sequel? Great. There's always way more death in the original.

Dee: Being alone with your thoughts can be difficult. It takes practice.
Naomi: I think I prefer boxing.
Dee: So do I.

There are two ways to deal with fear. You fight it or you face it.


Love is important, Naomi. If you find it, you hold on to it. Even when it scares you.


Naomi: Dee, what are you not telling me?
Dee: I think his arrival might be tied to the emergence of your powers. They could be acting as a magnet.
Naomi: So, there might be others that will come? What if they find me?
Dee: Then they'll have to go through me.

Naomi: How are you always so sure about everything?
Nathan: I'm not sure about anything. Well, except for one thing.

Naomi: I know who you are. What you are.
Zumbado: I very much doubt that.
Naomi: I know that you're not from this earth. And I know what the numbers on the disc say, The twenty-nine.

A mind that isn't aware of its emotions risked being controlled by them.

Dee [to Naomi]

Annabelle: You seem surprisingly chill about this.
Naomi: Everything's finally back to normal. No more secrets. No more weirdness. I guess I just want to keep it that way.
Annabelle: Babe, you're an alien, not a robot.

Naomi: I know that you're sorry. And I understand the circumstances. But why didn't you tell me sooner?
Greg: We kept saying that we'd do it when you were older. But you seemed happy. So were we. We felt normal.
Jen: It was wrong not to tell you. And we understand if you hate us. But we really hope maybe one day you might be able to forgive us.

Greg: All we knew is that you come from somewhere...up there.
Naomi: But how did I get here? Did I come in some kind of spaceship?
Jen: There was no spaceship. There was no wreckage. Just you.

Zumbado: Do you ever miss it? Home.
Akira: It doesn’t matter. I can’t ever go back. You made sure of that.

Naomi Quotes

Babe, I say this with all the love in my heart, you gotta get a grip. I’ve never seen you like this.

Annabelle [to Naomi]

Naomi: Lourdes keeps texting me about the Superman thing.
Greg: Wait, Lourdes? Wait, which one is she again?
Jennifer: Purple hair. She has a crush on Naomi.
Naomi: Mom!
Greg: Does that mean no more Nathan?
Jennifer: They broke up last month. I thought you were dating Anthony.
Naomi: Can we please not talk about this?