You know, it seems to me you need me right now every bit as much as I might need you. You in?


Sean: I just think we should talk about it. That's what normal married people do.
Juliette: Talk about arena tours and football careers.

Lose the "the" and "band." From now on it's just Avery Barkley.


Think of Edgehill like your marriage. The only way to get through it is to fantasize about someone else.


You couldn't wait for me. And you didn't.


All I wanna do is win you back.


Juliette: Takes a lot of people to make a good show.
Deacon: Really? Johnny Cash only needed three.

You picked a hell of a time to start taking my advice.


Rayna! I'm done talking.


I'm a grown up. Apparently my audience is willing to grow with me.


Man, I didn't make it this far foldin' up like a tent when things get bad.


Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?

Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?