You should let yourself sing. Singing's good for the soul. You might find the joy you're looking for.

Old blind man (to Rayna)

I'm lost, Deacon. There's so much coming at me all the time and it's all stuff that I asked for and it's all stuff that I want and love but it's just relentless and I feel like I've given up my life to it.


Sweetie listen, we have each other and we've got this unbelievable family. If the company fails or if we lose this house, it's alright. We've got each other. We're blessed.


I was saved by an angel, you know. That's what I remember. She came and sang to me. She kept me alive.


I'm lucky. That's what they keep telling me.


Deacon: I'm a dinosaur.
Rayna: Yeah, but you're a handsome dinosaur. Thank you for that.

Whatever. If it was her, I can't blame her. I am responsible for Jeff's death.


That was supposed to be me. I wanted to jump.


Do we have to go to that dinner tonight? Can I wear my PJ's?


I realized that I'm in love with you, Gunnar.


Juliette is the mother of my daughter, she's always gonna be in our lives.


Why can't they just give out the damn award already? Why do they have to throw so many parties?


Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?