You know all that make up sex we had. That was actually break up sex.


You just wanted to get your last licks in before you kicked me to the curb.


TK: V3
Sheera: It's where this all started. It might as well be where it ends.

Dr Santino responds to one thing. Honesty.


Don't let the past ruin what could be an incredible future.


Federal Agent: Conviction on any of these could mean years of prison time.
Nico: I'll catch up on my summer reading.

What am I suppose to do while you're tracking him down, just skip on back to the Death Star like it's Disneyland?


Dani: They fight like sisters.
Troy: That's because they are.

It's just that I'm protecting us from the unpredictability of life.


That boy's got some balls doesn't he. Too bad I'm going to cut them off.


I think I was done merging with you a while ago.


They throw me into the Matrix. I come out all glowy, skilled in kung fu and what not.


Necessary Roughness Quotes

When you are making a living as a hooker, then you can dig this out of storage.


No matter who you are, no matter how much protective gear you wear, at some point you're gonna get the living crap kicked out of you.
