Alex, one more thing. Are you familiar with Division cochlear implants? Division's been developing them for quite some time. They go into the subjects' ears and are virtually undetectable, even the subjects they're planted on. How much longer did you think you could hide who you really are, Alexandra?


I'm sorry. I can make plans for the worst case scenario, no problem. But when it comes to planning ahead for positive outcomes, I'm not used to that. It doesn't mean I don't want one. It has been a long time since anything as good as you has happened in my life.

Michael [to Nikita]

Dana: Before you came I was trapped. Stuck in two worlds I was afraid of, afraid to walk away.
Nikita: Now you're in the world where you belong.

Nikita: What's the plan? Grab a greyhound bus to the next town and start a vegan punk rockband?
Eddie: It's better than staying in this crappy town with my dad and the psycho.

I'm throwing a net over the whole town. Every phone, camera and computer, be mine!


So you knocked boots with the guy, so what? But it seems like you let your guard down along with your pants.


Nathan [to Alex]: Here's the stuff you left at my place.
Jaden: Hi, I'm Jaden, one of Alex's co-workers.
Nathan: Another government assassin. Great.

We're not the guardian protection program.

Michael [to Nikita]

Jaden: I am kind of nervous to get back out there.
Amanda: You don't have to fear the outside world, Jaden. They have to fear us.

Alex: I'm trying to protect you.
Nathan: From the mob?! That guy Michael, your boss, is definitely connected. You owe them money or something?

I need to get to Plainview for appearances. Maybe we can go to dinner, before I tell Percy his guardian is gone.


Michael: I'm reading she's in close proximity to her house.
Nikita: I know, I'm holding her tracker in my hand; I just don't know where she is.

Nikita Season 1 Episode 20 Quotes

Here's Winters' tracker ID. Word of advice, don't let her catch you spying on her. These guardians are tightly wound freaks, just like their boss.


Alex: I look at you and you call your own shots. You're not running away.
Nikita: It doesn't mean I can't wait for this to be over.