Nathan: Yeah, very funny Lucas. Your ass is still sleeping on the floor.
Hayley: Surprise. I switched rooms with Lucas, I don't have to sleep on the floor do I?
Nathan: How'd you manage to switch rooms?
Haley: Well believe it or not Bevin "mastermind" Mirskey arranged the whole thing.
Nathan: Come here. You have any room in there for me?
Haley: I thought you'd never ask.

I have come to offer you a trade. Last reminisce of Karen's cafe for Lydia...straight up.


Cooper: For the drivers three weeks, for me it doesn't... I lost my ride.
Lucas: What happened?
Cooper: Well, for one thing I let my nephew crash a racecar into a wall. Then things got a little dark from there. You know, when they told me I couldn't drive, I thought my life was over. Racing was all that I had and was who I was. Then the next day, the sun came up and the world kept turning and I was gonna to be okay. It took me a while, but I finally realized that even if I never get to race again, I know I can be happy. Nathan told me about the game.
Lucas: I'll get it back.
Cooper: I hope you do. But, if for some reason you don't, it'll be okay. It's not what you do in life that matters Luke, it's about who you are.

Brooke: Ahem.
Peyton: Hey, Brooke
Brooke: Don't 'hey, Brooke' me. What is up with you and Hottie McHottie?
Peyton: Who? McWhat?
Brooke: Don't even try it. Please, the Fall Out Boy? I can spot him hitting - on - you from a mile away, and you were definitely returning fire.
Peyton: We talked for like 10 seconds.
Brooke: So you move fast. You should ask him to check you for lumps.
Peyton: Okay, not funny.
Brooke: What? he's a musician. He's got to have good hands.

Nathan: Are you writing a new song or planning on killing me?
Haley: Ehhh, Officially, I'm writing a new song. Unofficially, I'd watch your back... by the way I found a new car on the Internet... looks great.
Nathan: Define great?
Haley: Five hundred bucks great... which actually leaves thirty six bucks in the wish dish so we could probably spring for a full tank of gas.

Brooke: I'm thankful you're such a good friend.
Haley: I'm thankful I got to watch you chug wine out of a bottle.

Karen: Lucas!
Lucas: You know that text message Dan just got? I sent it. I pretended to be Abby. You know, the girl who watched him murder Keith?!
Dan: Don't listen to him Karen, he's delusional.

Brooke: I'm the one with no prom dress, no boyfriend and a black eye, you get to go to prom with the boy you love, so you win. Why do you even care anymore?
Peyton: Why do I care? Brooke this has been one of the worst years of my life, and I needed my best friend now more then ever, but you, you cut me out of your life because I was honest with you, when you were never ever honest with me!

Haley: It's not gonna work. Whatever prize you find in that box is not gonna fix me.
Nathan: Why not? It fixed me

I've been a bit busy what with the cafe, the psychopath, and my friend's missing husband...


Lucas: You mean your, slutty little tramp stamp?
Haley: I am so barely your friend right now.
Lucas: Sorry.

Junk: A poker night.
Chase: Good going Julian!

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.