(voiceover) There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune but omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and mesires. On such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us.


Lucas: You ever have something that you knew that you were better at than... almost anybody else?
Peyton: Sex. (pauses) Joke.

Peyton: So, what did you bet?
Lucas: I win, Nathan stays on the team.
Peyton: Why?
Lucas: Because it's the last thing he wants. And anyway, it's not about him.

Dan: I'm only thinking of the kid.
Karen: You have no right to think of him - not today or any other day of his life. How dare you.
Dan: Are you finished?
Karen: I haven't even started!

Lucas: Can I ask you a question?
Peyton: It's a free country...
Lucas: Why are you a cheerleader? I mean, no offense or anything, but you're about the least cheery person I know. ... Come on, let me give you a ride. I'll let you insult me.
Peyton: First of all, you don't know me. Second of all, you don't know me. God, why are guys such jerks?

Dan: Nathan. Remember, 20 shots, no less.
Nathan: Got it, Dad.
Coach Durham: Quit yakking and warm up.

Lucas: Did you change your hair?
Karen: If by "change," you mean "drag a brush through it," then yeah.

Dan: You're despicable, you know that? Letting the dreams of this team just vanish. You're full of crap.
Coach Durham: It comes with old age, Danny: constipation.

Dan: Yeah. And this bet tonight. Is that a joke, too? Or would you really quit the team? You have everything to lose here and nothing to gain.
Nathan: Sometimes what you call "everything," I call "nothing."

Then you said something I'll never forget. You said you felt bad for the kids who never figured it out because when they grew up and had kids of their own, there wouldn't be any gifts on Christmas morning. You're a good kid, Luke. But sometimes I feel like you're sitting out your life on account of me, and I don't want that for you. My past is not your future, okay?


Lucas: Anyway. Guys kept teasing me about it, about how Nathan's dad was my dad, too. So I asked my mom, and she said he wasn't. But I'd get home, and I hear her crying in her room. I knew it was true. So I never went back. I told my mom it was because I didn't want to have to see his face. But, it was mostly because I didn't want her to have to.
Peyton: So why'd you tell me that? I mean, we don't even know each other.
Lucas: Maybe that's the point.

Lucas: What makes it less of a game if people don't see it?
Keith: I'll tell you why. When I was a kid, my father took me to Raleigh to see David Thompson play. I was 9 years old. I couldn't have cared less about basketball. But when Thompson stepped on the court, he was so young, so quick, and just so graceful that I was mesmerized. I couldn't take my eyes off him until late in the game, and I look up at my dad, and he's got tears in his eyes. 14,000 strangers and my father's crying because he's so beautiful. He played with such poetry that he made us feel like we were a part of it. You have a gift, Luke, and it's a crime not to let people see it, to hide it in the park. It's a damn shame. That's why.

One Tree Hill Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Haley: Oh, the magazine pages are sticking again, you little pervert. Oh hey Luke. You've been reading this?
Lucas: I don't know, Haley. Is that the 'why do i hang out with these people?' issue, because you're on the cover of that, right?
Haley: No, actually it's the 'my best friend is an idiot' issue and there you are!

No foul, basket counts. Besides, you won't score again.
