William: I’d rather die than have you amputate my arm.
Ian: Ye canna do that. You still need a proper death song, aye?

Jamie: I saved your life. This is the choice you give me?
Harnett: You saved my life so I could fight another day. Today is that day, Mr. Fraser. For you, as well.

Man: I’m sorry; there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding. It’s a secretary that we’ll be needin’.
Brianna: Perhaps so, but I’m applying for the plant inspector position.
Man: [scoffs] But you’re a woman.
Brianna: What aspects of plant inspection require a penis?

Tom: The Lord does answer prayers, you know.
Claire: What did you pray for?
Tom: You are a most uncomfortable woman.

Claire: We will make it back here one day, won’t we?
Jamie: I never thought I’d see bonny Scotland again. Tis that’s where we’re bound, so aye, we will.
Claire: Jamie, you will always be enough.

Claire: Goodbye, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Maybe if the bairn’s a girl, I’ll name her Claire to keep from missing you too much.

Ian: Mr. Bug. It was by my hand that this woman of great worth has died. I didn’t take her life by malice or of a purpose, and it is a sorrow to me. I swear by my iron, a life for a life.
Mr. Bug: Too easy, lad. Will you give me your hound to kill?
Ian: No. It was my kind, not his.
Mr. Bug: Aye, do you see then? He’s not. He’s a flea-ridden beast, not a wife. When you’ve something worth taking, ye’ll see me again. That I promise ye.

You and your matches. You bombed the house, darling.


Claire: Well, it’s not January.
Jamie: Nay. And we’re not dead. So much for our obituary.
Claire: Bloody newspapers. Never get anything right.

A wee granddaughter.


Sweet Malva. I failed her. Tom. Now Allan. A whole family gone. The terrible waste of it all.


What do we learn from the dead, if not the lessons of life? What had Tom Christie taught me since he surely was gone by now? His sacrifice reminded me that we should make an effort to truly live, count our lives in thoughts, feelings, breaths, and heartbeats, not the number of days, months, or years because tomorrow is not promised.

Claire [narration]

Outlander Season 7 Quotes

Brown: You won’t kill me. Not in cold blood. You wouldn’t dare.
Jamie: Make your peace with the Lord if you must, Mr. Brown.

Jamie: Let’s go get my wife.
Brown: You’re a good man. A moral man.
Jamie: I’m also a violent man. Any goodness that prevails in me is because of my wife. You tried to take her from me.