You're not his friend, you're his father.

Jasmine [to Crosby]

Mom asked you to call everyone to dinner, will you do it? Seriously, you are such a disappointment. I don't know why you're her favorite.

Adam [to Crosby]

A man has a certain relationship with his Thanksgiving day bird.


Nate: Oh drama, baby thinks that Crosby stole {the school play} from him.
Joel: Thanks, that didn't make me sound petty at all.

Crosby: Kristina, she's Switzerland, we can use her as a buffer.
Sarah: Yeah, can we clone her and sit her next to all of the difficult people?

I'm running for president of Thanksgiving.


I went to your little Portuguese pound cake, and told him to stay away from what's mine!

Zeek [to Camille]

Amber, life will knock you down more times than you can possibly imagine. Don't knock yourself down.

Adam [to Amber]

I've been dying to be your assistant since we met.

Crosby [to Joel]

Crosby: What about you Adam, have you ever used my home as a cheap hourly motel?
Adam: Don't be ridiculous. Of course I have!
Crosby: Little did I know I was living on a floating brothel.

Bravermantitus, it slowly eats away at your brain until you become exactly like them.

Joel [to Jasmine]

You have a crush on a homeless guy! Okay, be safe! You look good, and clean. He's gonna like that.

Amber [to Haddie]

Parenthood Quotes

Mom, I'm on my feet I'm not destitute. I've just got a little financial trouble and two degenerate kids, but I'll be fine.


Max: Isn't the game today?
Adam: Well buddy I thought you were done with baseball.
Max: It's my team.
Adam: Games in 10 minutes everybody.

Parenthood Music

  Song Artist
On My Way Back Home Band of Horses iTunes
Song Smile Evil Twins
Well Runs Dry Peter Case iTunes