Price: Kate, we're playing with fire here. Whether we're right or wrong nothing good can come of this.
Kate: Maybe we can help that man.
Price: With what? The past life memories of a girl who spent the last weekend in rehab?

We need proof Corrine; regressions aren't exactly admissible in court.


Kate: Look Price, I know you miss your wife. Self medicating and allowing your inner cave man to come out is not the way to deal with your grief.
Price: Maybe I wouldn't need to self medicate if your weren't filling my head with all this crap about Lauren's spirit reaching out for me from the grave.

Kate: The idea of karma is that we have the ability to reset the natural balance. That's what we're going to do.
Corrine: A girls dead, she's not coming back, how do you reset that?

Price: Screw the system, OK. A man's life is at stake here.
Kate: If you know something you have to come forward. There's still time to do the right thing.
Fant: I'm sorry, I took an oath, I have an ethical duty.

Past Life Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Kate: The idea of karma is that we have the ability to reset the natural balance. That's what we're going to do.
Corrine: A girls dead, she's not coming back, how do you reset that?

Price: Screw the system, OK. A man's life is at stake here.
Kate: If you know something you have to come forward. There's still time to do the right thing.
Fant: I'm sorry, I took an oath, I have an ethical duty.