Inspector Rusk: What did you talk about?
Sir Malcolm: I barely remember.
Inspector Rusk: I spoke to him an hour ago. You asked him about the Spitalfields murders. You were quite insistent that he stop hunting for a man, and start hunting for a beast. Why would you say that?
Sir Malcolm: I don't recall.

She called me her little scorpion and only said my name aloud once... before she was murdered; tied to that tree outside.


Ethan: You will not die while I'm here. You will not surrender while I live. If I have one goddamned purpose in my cursed life it's that.
Vanessa: You are one man.
Ethan: More than that and you know it. We are not like others. We have claws for a reason.

Is it a sickness? Or is it something else? Is it a blessing, the purpose of which we can not yet see? I say, this is what it is. For I know you my friend, Ethan Chandler, I see inside you.


Vanessa: It's the opposite of homicide. Always look at your opponents eyes.
Ethan: And then?
Vanessa: Proceed gently. Take my waist. Up here Mr. Chandler, and sway.

Sir Malcolm: This company is safe.
Victor: Is it though? Are any of us immune to this danger we can't see, can't touch, but is everlastingly present? Mr. Lyle's right, tell no one.

Seems the world is filled with romance these days.


Dorian: Do you like the room?
Lily: All those paintings looking down make me a bit nervous.
Dorian: I have the strangest sense we've met before. Do you think that's possible? In some other life time?

Sleep tight dear, you're going to have a challenging day


Vanessa: Do you know you share your name with a dead poet?
Caliban: Yes. Do you like poetry?
Vanessa: All sad people like poetry. Happy people like songs.
Caliban: I've always been moved by John Clare's story. By all accounts he was only five feet tall, so considered freakish. Perhaps due to this he felt a singular affinity with the outcasts and the unloved... The ugly animals... The broken things.

Vanessa: Whatever you have done. Whoever you have made yourself. I'm here to accept you. We're together for a reason.
Ethan: God's plan?
Vanessa: Yes.

Ethan: We can't let ourselves be infiltrated and surrounded. We defend our cliff.
Sir Malcolm: And we know what they want.
Vanessa: Yes, that we know.
Ethan: Now if we only knew why.
Vanessa: They're making a fetish.
Sir Malcolm: Which is?
Ethan: A voodoo doll.

Penny Dreadful Quotes

Ethan: You have a name?
Vanessa: Yes.

Ethan: You have made my visit truly memorable. I shall never forget you.
Woman: Perhaps you'd like to know my name, then.