Ethan: Do you believe in God?
Sambene: I believe in everything.

Victor: Again?
Ethan: Go crazy, Dr. F!

Sir Malcolm: Morphine. Is it an addiction?
Victor: Yes.
Sir Malcolm: Caused by what?
Victor: Pain.

  • Permalink: Pain.
  • Added:

Vanessa: I might have fallen in love with you, if you don’t mind me saying that.
Ethan: You still might.

Vanessa: Are you afraid?
Victor: Not of you.
Vanessa: You think you know a greater demon? Tell me of him.

Do not weep. I've learned that skill. It brings no solace.


I have a complicated history with the Almighty.


Sir Malcolm: She will cease to be who she is.
Ethan: Then I will love who she becomes.

Sir Malcolm: Do you hold out hope for her?
Ethan: I hold out for dignity.

Van Helsing: She did not succumb to a disease precisely.
Victor: Of what did she succumb?
Van Helsing: I drove a stake through her heart and cut off her head.

Van Helsing: Of what I am about to tell you, we cannot enlighten him.
Victor: Why not?
Van Helsing: Because the truth is unendurable.

Your father loves you very much and would do anything to save you. But I love you in a different way. I love you enough to kill you.


Penny Dreadful Quotes

Ethan: You have a name?
Vanessa: Yes.

Ethan: You have made my visit truly memorable. I shall never forget you.
Woman: Perhaps you'd like to know my name, then.