Dr. Seward: No, miss. So full of pain. All of which is true. You manifest it in any number of ways so you can make sense of it, but it's inexplicable. So the mind creates order around it: Phantoms, villains, demons, those things we understand and can name. But there is no name for it, Vanessa. It is a dark root without a name from which grows illness.
Vanessa: And delusion.
Dr. Seward: Yes.

Through your skin to your bones, crawling like the scorpion. Up. Reaching. You have a scar on the back of your neck. Blood. There are tram cars outside the window. A city. More blood. You were hurt by a man. He would have killed you... had you not killed him first. Such things have a name. They are witches. They are vampires. They are Lucifer. They are all those things which walk in your nightmares. Shall we walk together?


Victor: I must save you from all of this. One way or another. You're my responsibility. I created you.
Lily: I need no man to save me. And I think, in a way, I created you more than you created me. First love, Victor. You will recover. Please don't come here again. You will not like what I'm becoming.

We shall have, my dear, a monumental revenge.


God help you if you follow my path, Victor. Take your romance and your memories, which are a most kind fiction, and go.


There's blood on my teeth. And in my soul, I think.


What we won't do for love.


Hunting a man is no great thing. They are slow and predictable. They can be found always where their appetites lead them. To eat. To sleep. To fuck. Man is no great thing.


Malcolm: Do all your people speak so enigmatically?
Kaetenay: Yes.

Now, you are mine.

Lily [to Justine]

The wolf is returning to his den.


I need to look into their eyes, you see. Mirrors to the soul.


Penny Dreadful Quotes

Ethan: You have a name?
Vanessa: Yes.

Ethan: You have made my visit truly memorable. I shall never forget you.
Woman: Perhaps you'd like to know my name, then.