Sir Malcolm: Miss Ives was the last link to who I was. I must find out who I am yet going to be. Oh, I will miss her to my bones. Will you stay, Ethan?
Ethan: You're my family.

Vanessa: Let it end. With a kiss.
Ethan: With a kiss. With love.
Vanessa: With love.

I have stood at the very edge. I have looked into the abyss. If I'd have taken one more step, I would have fallen. But no matter how far I ran away from God, he was still waiting ahead.


It hurts me more than I thought it would, seeing you.

Vanessa [to Ethan]

I'm a New Yorker, Sir Malcolm. We know our way around random gunplay.


Flint is the heart of the world.

John Clare

Do you not yet comprehend the wicked secret of the immortal? All age and die, save you. All rot and fall to dust, save you. Any child you bear becomes a crone and perishes before your eyes. Any lover withers and shrinks into incontinence and bent, toothless senility. While you, only you, never age. Never tire. Never fade. Alone. But after a time, you'll lose the desire for passion entirely, for connection with anyone. Like a muscle that atrophies from lack of use. And one day you'll realize you've become like them. Beautiful and dead. You have become a perfect, unchanging portrait of yourself.


Dorian: Be kind to yourself, Lily. Passion will undo the best of us and lead only to tragedy. It's ever thus for those who care so deeply.
Lily: Better not to care at all, Dorian?
Dorian: In my experience.

She'll never be happy sitting by the fire in your loveless mansion. Let her be. And let this wretched world end and let another begin. The world of the night. The world of the bat and the owl and the spider. The blessed dark.


Their blood is on my soul! You have poisoned my heart.


Fear not old prophecies. We defy them. We make our own heaven and our own hell.


Renfield: Don't I scare you?
Catriona: I whistle away haunts like you before breakfast, love.

Penny Dreadful Season 3 Quotes

Life, for all its anguish, is ours, Miss Ives. It belongs to no other.

Ferdinand Lyle

I love what you've done with the place.

Ferdinand Lyle