Ethan: What the fuck are you doing here?
Sir Malcolm: You never know where I'll turn up.

Jared Talbot: There are mountains named after me.
Sir Malcolm: And at what cost? Your home is empty. Your son hates you. Your vainglorious pursuits have led to nothing but bloodshed and heartache. But you're right, the whisky is very fine.

Jared Talbot: It is like looking in a mirror.
Sir Malcolm: We are not the same.

Vanessa: You think I'm a spoiled bitch?
Orderly: We're not to engage in conversation, miss.

You once said we name things so they don't frighten us. I'm not frightened. His name is Dracula.


Orderly: I'll tell you what happened. I was at home, yesterday night past. And I was helping my son with a wooden ship model. That's something we do. And he asked me about the ship. I said it was a kind of ship used for exploring the seas. And he said, "Where do they explore, father?" And I told him everywhere. The orient. Peru. And even the frozen north. And he says, "What's that, Father?" And so I told him. "It's the places all covered with snow. North of Scotland and even beyond that." And he said, "Do people live there?" And I said to him, "No, it's too cold and lonely all the time. No one lives there." And I started to cry and I couldn't stop. My son took my hand, and I couldn't stop crying.
Vanessa: Why?
Orderly: Because I realized I was wrong. One person does live there. Where it's cold and lonely all the time. So I tendered my resignation. I'll stay long enough to see you tomorrow. The last person you see before the surgery will be someone who loves you.

Dracula: Who are you to defy me?
Vanessa: I am nothing. I am no more than a blade of grass. But I am. You think you know evil? Here it stands.

So I see you clear now. Two brothers fallen from grace. The spirit and the animal. You seek my soul. You, my body. But both are promised to another. He who vanquished you. He who is my protector and stands with me, even now.


Vanessa: What name do I whisper to you, beloved?
Dracula: I am the demon. I am the dragon. My name is Dracula.

But you're not a thing of the spirit, Vanessa. You're a thing of the flesh. Like me. You're the wolf. You're the scorpion. You're all those things that slip and soar and stalk through the deep forest in the dark night. You're powerful. You feel it coiling within you. Become the wolf and the bat and the scorpion. Be truly who you are.


Do you know what they are, all of them? A broken thing. Not a tiger. Not a flower. Not a clump of earth. Not even a blade of grass. Miss Ives, you have to get better.


Vanessa: I should have died a virgin. Like Joan of Arc. Be true, be strong. Sing on the funeral pyre. Did you know she sang as she burned?
Orderly: No.
Vanessa: None of us are heroes.
Orderly: I suppose not.

Penny Dreadful Season 3 Quotes

Life, for all its anguish, is ours, Miss Ives. It belongs to no other.

Ferdinand Lyle

I love what you've done with the place.

Ferdinand Lyle