My finger to eyebrow device is broken....


You don't have enough game for half of ONE of those women.

Shawn [to Gus]

Lassiter: If you don't treat O'Hara with the respect she deserves, or you hurt her in any way, I will discharge my pistol.
Shawn: You're saying you'll shoot me?
Lassiter: Repeatedly.

Are you, Shawn Spencer, psychic?


Gus, help me figure out which one of these cars to commandeer.


Thanks for sharing, Spencer. Wow, you really put the 'me' in team.

Lassiter [to Shawn]

Gus: You stole a key from a kid?!
Shawn: Come on, Gus that was no kid. That was the product of centuries of inbreeding.

Kid, you're gonna get caught, you're gonna blow your whole psychic thing, and you're gonna end up the prime suspect.

Henry[to Shawn]

Shawn:I am seeing a woman.
Lassiter: Can you tell me her name? Or is it a secret?

Suck it, hyphens.


I'm sorry, I was busy James Bond-ing it up in here.


Buzz: Wow, you're like a robot.
Carlton: That's the comment someone made on my eHarmony I guess it must be true.

Psych Quotes

Gus: That's a player's move, Shawn, a player's move.
Shawn: That's not a player's move, Gus, that's an astronomer's move.

Juliet: It's all police work Carlton.
Carlton: Yeah, right, and global warming is real.
Juliet: Yes, it is, Carlton.
Carlton: Sure it is.